Centrapeak UK | The Male Vitality Booster for Body and Mind


Testimonials from customers around the globe.

Centrapeak Testimonials

We collect reviews about Centrapeak in a number of different ways. We've collated a collection of reviews on this pagefor those like to read through them all.

We are always interested to hear from customers about their Centrapeak experience.

It doesn't need to be a video or a detailed back story. If you have a Centrapeak review you would like to share please get in touch with our Customer Support team via support@centrapeak.com

The reviews you see are all genuine testimony so we would only want reviews from customers who have actually used the product for at least a month.

Reviews are collected for Centrapeak in the following ways;

  1. Yotpo : Yotpo is a third party reviews system which automatically sends out review requests to customers 30 days after they have received their order. Customers submit reviews for Centrapeak by replying to their Yotpo email.
  2. Customer Support : Our Customer Support team liaise with customers via the Zendesk ticketing system, answering questions and helping with any delivery issues. We have asked some of those customers if we can share their positive words on our reviews page.
  3. Customer Stories : Centrapeak has made a big difference to the lives of some customers, they have created videos to explain why and hopefully help others.

Terry from Wisconsin explains how Centrapeak has helped him.

Director Howard Clay explains how Centrapeak has helped him.


One major area Centrapeak is benefitting me is with my work. I feel far more focused working from home and don’t experience fatigue like I normally would when sitting at a computer. Coupled with the fact that my sleep is the best it’s ever been and Centrapeak is a winner. Thanks Centrapeak!

Eddie B., UK

Phenomenal customer service. I like the new formula as well. Turned 5 Ohhhh this year, so need all the mental acuity I can retain. This product imo is perfect for guys my age who just want to maintain the mass we have as opposed to bulking up, although when I do push myself, I can bulk up on this formula. Great stuff indeed.

Ed S., Oklahoma

Discover and get capsule that give you big power!!!!! Great support for work out. @robertobiopower

Roberto B., Italy

I can tell you that this 50 year old Marine Vet feels like he is 21 again and even my younger friends in the gym tell me "Chris you're looking like beastmode", so if you want to change your lifestyle then Centrapeak can and will help you achieve it...trust me!

Chris R., Ohio

Your customer service is exemplary. You have a world class product to work with, and the fact Centrapeak has reformulated after just one year is something only the best companies do. The world needs to know about your wonderful product.

Rick S., British Columbia

You guys have phenomenal customer support; it’s really appreciated! Great customer support with a great product, you can’t ask for anymore. Thank you again! 

Dan H., Virginia

Testosterone Support
& Cognitive Enhancement
Feature Icons

Testimonial: Rob W., UK

I am 45 years old, a married father of two. I used to be very fit but in the last couple of years I've dropped out of the gym and my fitness and energy has suffered.

Love handles, flabby bits and man boobs. Not great, I was feeling grumpy and lethargic all the time. I was recommended Centrapeak by a friend who had got good results from it.

After taking Centrapeak for two months I've dropped almost 7 lbs in weight, and my body shape is much improved. The main thing though is how much better I FEEL.

I feel great!!. More positive, more energy - starting Centrapeak has kickstarted a healthy regime again. I am getting out of bed invigorated and hitting the gym at least 3 times a week.

Rob W.
Testosterone Results

I got my testosterone tested at the start of this, I wanted to see if the product did boost test and by how much. My initial levels were 14.7 nmol/L. I was disappointed, it's not clinically low by any means, but at the bottom end of the scale for a man of my age.

I just got it tested again after 2 boxes of Centrapeak, there's been a big jump. It's impressive. I'd definitely recommend the product for guys who want to boost T and feel better.

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